Kudos and Contact

Lee is our Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Administrator.

Hearts Homes and Hands is happy to announce that Lee Bruns, Jr., our Chief Financial Officer, has been elected to the Board of the Cameron Chamber of Commerce. He hopes to use this position to help Cameron grow and bring more innovative new businesses to town, as well as to help shine the spotlight on the many fine businesses and organizations that are members of the Cameron Chamber.

Congratulations, Lee! Don’t forget to look for his occasional articles in the Cameron Herald, too!

Ready to Contact Us?

Maybe now that businesses and other services in Texas are opening up, you might be ready to call us and see if we can help provide some relief for you as a caregiver, or for you or a family member who could use some assistance with the tasks of daily life.

Elderly woman
We can help you figure things out.

We’ve been enjoying running errands for or with our clients, and are happy to send our trained caregivers to the home to help out there, as well. The State of Texas, through which we are licensed, has provided us with many helpful guidelines and thorough training on keeping safe while still providing companionship and care.

Not sure if we could help?

It won’t hurt to give us a call! We can provide care for as little as a few hours a month to as much as 24/7 care: each client is different, and we tailor their care to their individual needs. Just call Kathleen at 254-627-1200 and she can let you know the wide range of non-medical personal assistance we can provide.